Caught between two worlds
Sometimes, it can be hard to reconcile the differences between these different worlds. I often feel like I don’t fully belong in either one. I
Sometimes, it can be hard to reconcile the differences between these different worlds. I often feel like I don’t fully belong in either one. I
Ik heb me altijd een buitenstaander gevoeld. Als meisje met een multiculturele achtergrond voel ik me vaak alsof ik niet volledig thuis hoor in een van mijn culturen. Terwijl ik opgroeide, werd ik blootgesteld aan verschillende tradities, voedingsmiddelen en talen, maar ik voelde me nooit echt op mijn plek bij een specifieke groep. Op school
Hey there! My name is Aimée, and I’m a 16-year-old girl trying to figure out where I fit in this crazy world. Growing up, I always felt like I was stuck between two worlds. My parents are from different countries, and I was born and raised in Europe. I love my family and my culture,
The Ubuntopia year calendar is designed to inspire you and to create happy memories. Every month has a question of wisdom.
Many children are lucky enough to live between two (or more) cultures. We list 5 ways you can tech your children about their cultural heritage.
5 ways to teach children about their cultural heritage Read More »
Ubuntopia is a merger of two meaning full words: Ubuntu and Utopia.Since 2019 Ubuntopia is our answer to the complex world of today full of big questions. Ubuntu is an African philosophy with humanity and connection in the center. Simply said: You go nowhere on your own. You need others to flourish. This philosophy is at